April 14, 2022

2022 Thank You

We did it! We celebrated an in-person Men’s Conference in Canada, celebrating 25 years of Men’s Ministry for God Squad Canada. I can’t thank you enough for all the men that have shown up over the years to support us and those that joined us online and in-person. This year I’d especially like to thank our speakers Jeff Cavins, Brett Powell, and Bishop McGratton for making a memorable weekend. This doesn’t happen by accident, this happens with a lot of work behind the scenes by dedicated volunteers year in and year out. I get to be the smiling face at the podium but there is a dedicated team over the years that have helped pull off these conferences and this year is by no means any different. I would like to thank Lorand Szojka, Richard Beaulieu, Stephen Cross, Deacon Stephen Robinson, Fr. Jonathan Gibson, Stephen Kaip, John Paul, Joey Paul, Dave Cichon, and Peter van Uden. These are the men that help God Squad Canada move forward. In the last year, they have had us looking at it in more of a business light and moving us to the next level, I cannot thank them enough. I would like to also personally thank my loving wife, Michele and my eight children, who have been supporting me personally for the last 25 years to make these conferences happen. 

Stephen Cross, Jeff Cavins, Sean Lynn, Brett Powell, Lorand Sojka, Stephen Kaip, Richard Beaulieu

We were blessed to have Sisters Seeds Of The Word help service lunch this year and Beloved Daughters help serve coffee and donuts. I’d like to thank our sponsors the CMLA/Heroicmen for sponsoring Jeff Cavins, Spolumbo’s for sponsoring our lunch, and Mike Reid of Tim Hortons who sponsored our coffee muffins and donuts. 

I pray that you were all moved by the weekend talks which we are making available for you to watch and listen to and reflect on and maybe share with that man Jeff challenge you to bring into the church in the next five years. None of this happens by accident. We need your prayers and support as we continue to move forward under the guidance of Saint Joseph. Please consider four things; Are you willing to be a parish Ambassador or captain to help us promote God Squad and men’s ministry? Second; consider being a helping hand as we try to do more Outreach with a BBQ, disc golf, or painting the church in Brocket. Third; your prayers – we have prayers on our website where you can pray with us whether it’s a novena, rosary, or Terror of demons. Use prayers that speak to you. Then finally please consider a donation. Normally we ask at the conference for donations, which didn’t fit into the schedule this year as we were trying to keep it on time and on message. We still would like to raise money for the Litany of Saint Joseph and we would like to other Outreach possibilities. Considering sponsoring so we can serve dinner to CCO missionaries for free on April 2 or Bishop McNally High School retreat in May. I’d like to see what the possibility is of us hiring people to move it to the next level and bring this message across Calgary and Canada. Some of your companies will match your donations or volunteer hours so please consider helping us. Please email [email protected] if you can help with any of these things. E-Transfers can be made to [email protected]; please follow-up with an email with all your personal information for tax purposes.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and prayers and attendance at this year’s conference and know that we will continue to move forward reaching men where they’re at and doing what we can to build the Kingdom of God.

P.S. Like and subscribe to A Dram With Friends on Heroicmen, YouTube or your favourite podcast platform. Help us grow our audience and share. If you know someone who would make a great guest, please let Sean know at: [email protected]